

On frogs and laying face up almost naked

So I had a wonderful experience a few days ago. I saw my favorite acupuncturist / energy guy. He is from Guatemala originally but has lived here (in the U.S.) a long time now. And he has such good energy! So I told him what I intuitively felt was out of balance and...

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🌟Holding the illogical🌟

When I am doing energy work there are so many things that come up that to my left brain are totally illogical. They make no sense. But I don’t judge them, I just move past them. And I keep going. Because I know what I am doing. And because I am not swayed or derailed...

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Quantum Choice Points

Stepping into an energetic container with me is a VIBE. It is an EXPERIENCE, it is a DECLARATION. It's a choice to UP-LEVEL. It is a vortex. It allows you to create momentum, and more momentum, and more momentum. It allows you to spiral up and up and up, FAST. When...

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Levels of Receiving

The level of receiving you are a match for in your adult life is being reflected back to you by what your child hood self felt he/she could receive from her parents. And everything he/she feels she could or could not receive is also playing out in your adult life. If...

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Patterns with money

So, I love money. I really do. When I think about having more of it I get very excited and want to go to fun things with it. I associate money with fun. I also associate it with not knowing when it's going to come, but when it does there sure is a lot of it! This...

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The Power of Inspiration

Just wanted to write you all and tell you what has come up for me today. So I had all this inspiration come thru me the yesterday (I filmed 7 videos) after my 2 client calls, and after talking to my friend for an hour on the phone. And I woke up today and felt some...

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Just let your soul wear a bathing suit

You know how I sell stuff? I move deeply into what I KNOW. What I really really deeply just KNOW. Not on a belief structure level, but on a deep alchemical soul level knowing, because I’ve had the experience. I've had the transformation. I know it within my bones. And...

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Energetic Container VS Single Sessions

I’ve had multiple people reach out about my new program. “Merge With Your Power” wanting to know the difference between doing this with me NOW and doing single sessions instead. And this is my fault, I should have made myself clear. Deciding to do a single session is...

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Create with your presence

Merge with your power. Create change with your presence. Then… you don’t have to ‘do’ stuff over a loooonnnngggg period of time. And wait for things to happen. And wonder when its going to happen for you. Wonder when you're going to break thru. You’ll break thru when...

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Afraid of being seen and receiving

I used to have trouble posting on FB.  I had trouble because I was afraid of being seen.  I was afraid of being seen because I was afraid of receiving.  I was afraid of receiving attention / friends etc, because that might lead to me being wanted / receiving more than...

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You are the one deciding

Deciding that you are the person is an internal thing. Deciding that you are on the other side of where you were, that you are no longer that person that you used to be and you are now an upgraded version of self is an internal choice. An internal shift. And it can...

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Feelings of being trapped and depression

Do you know what parts in the psyche do that? Those that are fragmented out of the body. (I see this in my energy work) and when an aspect of self is fragmented out of the body (due to some trauma, could be mild or severe) it is obvious because that part of you feels...

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You will never manifest something by feeling like you NEED that thing in order to feel safe / loved / worthy / saved period the end. If you feel that way then there is a part of you fragmented out of the body that needs to be integrated. Then your emotions will change...

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Queen Energy

When you stop being the queen standing in the audience and start being the queen sitting on her throne… everything changes. That aspect of you is commanding her power. Standing in it. Wielding it. And receiving from it. She is not scared. She is not timid.  She is...

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I have been a queen standing in the audience.

I have been a queen standing in the audience. Literally. I decided today to encode the archetype of the queen fully deeply and completely. When I started my energy session it came to me that she was the 7th archetype down. Meaning, we all have archetypes that we have...

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The Dark Goddess

I have been mulling lately on these deeper aspects of self that are showing up in my psyche. And I can feel that my own dark goddess is starting to make herself more and more known lately. That part of me that fully shows up in the darkness. That sees it all. That...

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Be the force

Just because mass consciousness is freaking out doesn’t mean that you need to as well. If you feel panic and anxiety over this whole virus thing, the panic and anxiety was there ‘before’ and mass consciousness is just triggering it with in you. You can energetically...

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Space Ships and Green Houses

The coolest image just downloaded into my head! I saw this image of a space station. I am the space station in this analogy. And there is this little shuttle next to me and the shuttle is my desire. And I see a docking port on the side of my space station, and the...

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Expanded vs Contracted

Do you feel expanded or do you feel contracted? 🕵️‍♀️ The mind will tell you that you have to do A, B, and C when you want something. But none of that is true. It’s a wild goose chase from your ego. 🦆 You only need to feel into your body and FEEL, what are the...

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Roles and Archetypes in my Subconscious

I’ve been going through an inner transformation lately. Of twisting and shedding and SEEING what really needs to be seen. My logo is an owl for a reason. My favorite thing to do is to see through the dimensions and see what is hidden. I am going through and having...

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The roles / archetypes that your playing out in your life… the victim, the provider, the good girl, are all trying to ‘get stuff’ to feel safe / secure / loved etc. . Your soul is not trying to do any of that. It is just trying to have as much fun and joy as...

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Fun without issues

When you still have a bunch of ‘issues’ around a subject... you look for other people to tell you / show you how to do something. . When you don’t have ‘issues’... you just naturally make shit up. Have fun. Don’t care. And it WORKS.

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What it LOOKS Like…

If you don’t have what you ‘want’ - your subconscious thinks that by getting that ‘thing’ you’ll be losing something else that it ranks as a value or survival need - and you’ll self sabotage/ magically push away that ‘thing’. And it will LOOK like it’s happening to...

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Energetic Shields & Mirrors

So… A few weeks ago I had changed my energy and suddenly got 3 dates in 1 week. I was super open and super magnetic to a new boyfriend coming into my life. And I was basking in how wonderful it was to get more dates and how much fun I was having and so forth. And then...

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Working doesn’t = money 💰

Working doesn’t = money 💰 Working hard definitely doesn’t = money 💰 Doing ‘stuff’ doesn’t = money 💰 Time doesn’t = money 💰 ‘Things’ need to take more ‘time’ to get ‘money’ definitely doesn’t = $ 💰 . If you want to get unstuck with money then you definitely need check...

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Survival fears are JUST A PATTERN IN THE BODY. When people feel them they freak out!! Ahhhhh!!!!! Let's run for the hills! But put your Merlin Hat on. And just calmly DELETE them. This is why I like energy work so much. Things that take other people ages... can be...

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Copy Machine

The universe is like a copy machine. Whatever you put on the glass is just going to be returned to you. Over and over and over until you put something new on the glass.

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