When the 🐆 jaguar 🐆 first showed up I noticed I felt some discord in my body. And it was because I was afraid of it’s power. It contained a message / information for me… regarding my path forward. And I felt a twinge of fear. Then I remembered who I am and I merged with its power. I am telling you.


Don’t be afraid of it. This is the medicine of the jaguar. To merge with your power. Stop being so afraid. There is nothing to be afraid of. Since everything outside of you is just a reflection of what is going on inside of you. It means you’re afraid of yourself on some level. There is no need for that. You are the one who will free you. No one else. YOU.

You are the one who makes the choice.

You are the one who goes first.

You are the one that chooses and enact the change.

And then everything else follows suit.

You go first, then stuff changes.

You go first, then the money shows up.

You go first, then the boyfriend show up.

It’s YOU.

And when you merge with you’re power and go first… Oh lord, your whole world just falls together. Everything just works. Because you’re being the embodiment of everything that is true and everything that is right. You have always had power. It’s inside of you. And I know where to find it. It’s in those dark places you don’t want to go into. It’s in the hurt you felt when your father left. It’s in the fact that your mother was emotionally distant. And when you do things shamanically and energetically…

I can’t even tell you. I almost want to scream it, I know it so much in my core. Stop doing bullshit upper level sh** that does not work and keeps you stuck. Go into the darkens and reclaim these parts of yourself. Make the choice. To merge with your power. Because it wants to merge with you. What you are seeking is seeking you. Do you want to come with me? Do you want to go on a journey? Because we’re doing down into the darkness and reclaiming what was once lost for you. We’re going to merge those aspects of self that feel tapped, lost, and like they can’t reach their desires.
We’re going to go down into the valley of the shadow of death and reclaim those lost parts of you. Because you can’t move forward without them. Your life will never be whole without them. Do you want to go get them?


(My inner dialog right now… Ego interjection: You can’t write valley of the shadow of death on a sales page. Core of me: Yes I can this is brilliant, go away.)


I used to feel like my job was draining my energy and I wanted to leave but I couldn’t because the majority of my support came from it. This was the same way that I felt about my mother. On an upper level I thought I was dealing with ‘how to leave my job”. But on a subconscious level I was dealing with how to “deal with my mother”. Same pattern. (I don’t work at the job anymore btw)


I used to feel like I wanted my business to ‘give’ to me more, because I wanted the money to ‘save’ me, so I could leave the job. This was what the pattern looked like on the surface. Really what was going on was that my inner child still wanted my father to rescue me and ‘save’ me from my mother. I projected out that what my father didn’t ‘give me’ the business would. So can see how dealing with this issue on the upper level of ‘business issues’ was never going to really work when really what I had going on were ‘father’ and ‘support’ issues.


I really love money and I just want more of it and really wish it would spend more time with me. This is how legit feel about money. And surprise, surprise, it’s also how I felt about my ex-boyfriend that I loved very much. What do you know, same pattern again. What looks like ‘money’ on an upper level, is actually ‘love’ (and thus safety / support) when you get to a base level.)


You cannot change your reality by trying to change the reflection in the mirror. You change YOU then the image in the mirror changes. You change the root core cause pattern, and then the reflection in the mirror changes.


In having the veil pulled back I was able to see that all these patterns that I (and my clients) had going on, that on the surface, which seemed so complex, were really not at all when you looked at them at their base. They were actually REALLY REALLY SIMPLE. I was actually really shocked how just easy and simple they were. And in going underneath the emotional patterns I was able to see that we all have these core archetypes playing out.


👉 With my business (read: father issues) I was playing out the Abandoned / Wounded / Invisible Child.

👉 With my job (read: mother issues) I was playing out the archetype of the Victim, with some martyrdom thrown in there.

👉 With money (read: lover issues) I was playing out the Abandoned Child archetype.
I also had the Gullible Child Archetype, a Rescuer / Caretaker Archetype playing out. Rebel, Servant, Slave, Hermit, Mystic, as well.


The emotions you feel lead you right to the archetype playing out in your sub. Its like a map leading you right to the treasure. And when you pull it up, the whole emotional / mental / behavioral patterns dismantle and just stop. Your IDENTITIES playing out in your subconscious are determining your thoughts, emotions, behaviors and resonance. An identity is like a computer program. You can only receive or get something if the program says that its safe and ok. And you can only get it in the way the program says you can get it.


Removing / uninstalling the light codes energetically for the un-useful / self-sabotaging archetypes / identities is life changing. You’re no longer chained to your old emotional patterns, your old behavior patterns, and most importantly what you feel you deserve. Your archetypes are determining what you feel you deserve and are worth. Which causes a problem if you want a massive amount of love, wealth or freedom and your sub identity views that as a threat. Ask me how I know this.😂


So I energetically deleted these identities / archetypes from my subconscious. I reclaimed any aspects of self that were fragmented out and reintegrated them into my body. And then pulled thru the light codes out of my spine the archetypes I WANTED TO PLAY OUT. (The DNA seems to hold all programs like a library. And things can be turned off and turned on.)


I pulled in The Queen Archetype to make her more dominate. The Merlin was already my most dominate Archetype, which is how I figured out how to do all this in the first place. I’ve been playing out this archetype for CENTURIES, which came in really handy. I brought forth the Druid (Celtic shaman) into prominence. I Encoded in Go-to High Level Energy Healer. I encoded in Online Business Owner as well as The Wealthy Woman Archetype. And my business has exploded because now I’m playing out these archetypes with their emotional patterns / behavior patterns, instead of the Abandoned Wounded Invisible Child Archetype.


You see how this is life changing. I’m sure you’ve got it by now. Everything is do is energetic. The beauty of working in the quantum realm is that change is instant in that realm, which in turn means that what you see in the mirror is changed very very quickly. It doesn’t take matter long to catch up. So my question for you again is, are you ready to stop being the queen standing in the audience and take your rightful place on the throne? Are you ready to embody your power? Fully and completely? Because the portal to do this with me is open now. We start when you decide that THIS is for you. Because you go first. Then the universe follows.


If you feel on a soul level this is for you, message me and I can give you pricing and details and so forth. This is 6 weeks of high level 1:1 access to me and my codes and the energetic vortex created by this program. You can talk to me multiple times a week, and WhatsApp (mon-fri) between calls. This is high level. I can do energy work over WhatsApp, time and space doesn’t exist. Email me at support{{{AT}}}ArwenMcLaughlin.com or message me on FB. The doors to enter close on Friday May 8th at midnight EST.

(BTW… this offer obviously includes the emotional clearing and the archetype clearing that I talk about on the other ‘work with me’ tabs on the menu bar. If you’re in this program with me, we WILL be doing massive identity shifts in your subconscious. This actually primarily will be what we will be doing, because it’s one of the fastest ways to create change I have found after doing years of energy work.)


Below are some of the stories I wrote on FB on talked about on YouTube when I was talking about this offer. If you want more info about what we’d be doing, these blogs & videos should do it!

Quantum Choice Points

Stepping into an energetic container with me is a VIBE. It is an EXPERIENCE, it is a DECLARATION. It's a choice to UP-LEVEL. It is a vortex. It allows you to create momentum, and more momentum, and more momentum. It allows you to spiral up and up and up, FAST. When...

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Levels of Receiving

The level of receiving you are a match for in your adult life is being reflected back to you by what your child hood self felt he/she could receive from her parents. And everything he/she feels she could or could not receive is also playing out in your adult life. If...

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Patterns with money

So, I love money. I really do. When I think about having more of it I get very excited and want to go to fun things with it. I associate money with fun. I also associate it with not knowing when it's going to come, but when it does there sure is a lot of it! This...

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Just let your soul wear a bathing suit

You know how I sell stuff? I move deeply into what I KNOW. What I really really deeply just KNOW. Not on a belief structure level, but on a deep alchemical soul level knowing, because I’ve had the experience. I've had the transformation. I know it within my bones. And...

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Energetic Container VS Single Sessions

I’ve had multiple people reach out about my new program. “Merge With Your Power” wanting to know the difference between doing this with me NOW and doing single sessions instead. And this is my fault, I should have made myself clear. Deciding to do a single session is...

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Create with your presence

Merge with your power. Create change with your presence. Then… you don’t have to ‘do’ stuff over a loooonnnngggg period of time. And wait for things to happen. And wonder when its going to happen for you. Wonder when you're going to break thru. You’ll break thru when...

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Afraid of being seen and receiving

I used to have trouble posting on FB.  I had trouble because I was afraid of being seen.  I was afraid of being seen because I was afraid of receiving.  I was afraid of receiving attention / friends etc, because that might lead to me being wanted / receiving more than...

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In my energy work with people and going to the bottom of patterns I have learned that underneath all these patterns of emotions that we have regarding subjects going on in our life… there are archetypes in consciousness playing out. For example, someone who constantly feels overwhelmed, like they can’t get their needs met, no one sees their needs, their needs don’t matter, they have to sacrifice their needs for others to get their needs met, and if they don’t they’ll be shunned / rejected etc. or if they do focus on their own needs they’ll feel guilty for doing so. This ‘cluster’ of emotions are all emotions that a ‘caretaker’ archetype would feel. And a caretaker archetype (like all archetypes) have a certain view on reality, things they believe are true, things they believe they can have and things they believe they can’t have. They have certain hopes and dreams, behavior patterns, emotional struggles, challenges, gifts, and subconscious repressions.

So someone without trauma would be operating from divine truth. But when a trauma occurs to the psyche we then see things thru the lens of the trauma and then start to make certain associations about life, about what we deserve, about where we fit in, and what makes us safe and not safe. All these things end up looking like identity / archetypal patterns in consciousness. When I remove / eject the subconscious programming of an archetype out of someones energy field / subconscious, they suddenly feel really free and like they have so much available to them. Because when you are playing out an archetype (we alllll are) you are only allowed to have what the archetype will let you have. And when it is deleted and replaced with the energy of divine template then you can suddenly feel this surge of energy for all the things that are now available to you that were not available before, because you are no longer operating out of these constraints.

The archetypes / identities you are playing out in your subconscious are determining your resonance and actions. The identity that you radiate out is magnetizing to you thru the ethers what you feel you ‘deserve’. (In divine truth you deserve everything, but an archetype will have specific limits as to what it feels it can receive) And your actions as well are determining what you are receiving as well. For instance, when I locked into I am The ‘Go-To High Level Energy Healer’, and ‘The Queen’ archetypes, things got really easy. All my thoughts, emotions, actions, and subconscious ideas about what I deserved and could have aligned with these archetypes.

Understand that after I removed the archetypes that were self-sabotazing my life and my dreams, I then consciously installed / encoded these 2 archetypes into my being. It then suddenly became easy to take the actions aligned with my ideal dream life and bring that to fruition because I was being the person. And the person who already has that life has these archetypes running, hence why I installed them. Now my actions, choices, thoughts, beliefs, emotional sets and presence lines up with creating what I want. And things started clicking into place in my reality very fast. More clients than ever before started showing up. People I had never heard of started to message me saying they wanted to work with me. I started to be seen in FB groups in an even greater way. I easily wrote my daily blog with no resistance whatsoever. If it occurred to me to create a video, I did. The services this new version of me needed to create came thru. And the best thing about all of this, this that my actions lined up with my goals & dreams. And my resonance on a frequency level lines up with my goals and dreams. So they are inevitable. And I know this even though they have only (as I write this) only partially started to manifest. And I have no doubt things will be even more different a month from now because I am continuing to encode in these archetypes.

These are some Archetypes I have Identified. It is not a complete list, but a work in progress.

And they are in no particular order, just what made sense when I wrote them down.

I occasionally move and change the groupings when I see arrangements that make more sense.






God / Angel / Virgin / Companion / (*Pure or Ideal archetype)


Mystic / Monk / Nun / Hermit / Priestess / Seeker / Divine Child (*married to god basically)


Goddess or God / Emperor or Empress / Queen or King / Prince or Princess / Mother or Father / Hedonist or Delantante / Social Butterfly   


Merlin / Sage / Magician / Alchemist / Shaman / Witch / Sorceress /  Shape Shifter / Exorcist / Magical Child / Channel / Healer / Energy Healer / Psychic / Clairvoyant / Empath 


Warrior / Athlete / Knight / Judge / Mediator / Avenger / Advocate / Attorney / Detective 

(*Rescuer role)


Rescuer / Samaritan / Martyr / Messiah / Hero or Heroin / Wounded child 


Engineer / Builder / Artist / Visionary / Pioneer / Rebel / Gambler / Eternal Child 


Guide / Teacher / Mentor / Coach 


Storyteller / Scribe / Poet / Writer / Speaker / 


Student / Understudy / Apprentice / Nature Child 


Servant / Beggar / Slave / Prostitute / Mistress / Call girl / Other Woman / Damsel / Scapegoat /  Orphaned or Abandoned Child / Gullible Person / Fool / The Failed Initiate (*Failed Initiate is the opposite of the Hero)

(*Victim Role) 


Con-Artist / Scam-Aritst / Illusionist / Criminal / Robber / Thief / Out-Law / Manipulator / Saboteur / Addict / Vampire / Gossip / Trickster / Narcissist 

(*Persecutor Role)


Provider / The Responsible One / Caregiver / People Pleaser / Nice Girl or Guy / Good Girl or Guy (*Rescuer role)


Lover / Femme-Fatal / Don Juan 


The High Achiever / Leader / Performer / Strong Independent Person 


Know it all / The Intellectual / Teachers Pet / Star of the Show 


Abandoned or Orphaned Child – always feels alone and like its hard to survive. Finds it hard to mature and subconsciously looks for surrogate families or things to provide the family role they missed. (1st Chakra)


Wounded Child – Suffers many difficulties and struggles to get out of self pity and into forgiveness instead. Blames everything that happens to them on childhood wounds. (2nd Chakra)


Eternal Child – Has a vibrant youth energy and sees thing with fresh eyes despite their age. Their downfall is their inability to grow up, mature and become responsible. Often they have to depend on others either emotional or financially and others will find this frustrating because they behave and feel like children. (3rd chakra)


Nature Child – Has a deep connection with animals and nature. They use this connection as a substitute for connection with other humans. They’re deepest relationship are usually with animals because they cannot connect to other people as deeply due to some trauma. (4th Chakra) 


Needy or Dependent Child – Will be solely focused on their desires alone and be unable to see the desires of others. They feel something is deeply missing, although they can’t ever figure it out. What’s missing is love and so they seek it always from others without realizing they already have it inside of them. Others will see them as needy and self-absorbed. (Lower Chakras)


Magical or Innocent Child – On one hand believes that everything is possible in life, but on the other. struggles to make their dreams a reality in their life. One the level below ‘all dreams are possible’ they believe their dreams aren’t actually real, and thus don’t create them. They also fail to see how action can fits into the picture of creating their dreams. (6th & 7th Chakras)


Gullible child – Believes everything that is told to them. Isn’t able to see the difference between the truth and a lie. Others always get things over on them. Defers to others and doesn’t trust themselves. (6th Chakra)  


The Invisible Child – Feels that their safety is based on not being seen or heard. Learns that it is only safe to exist if you don’t have needs / or desires. There is safety in being invisible & ignored. (All Chakras maybe)


Hypochondriac Child – The needs of the body weren’t taken into account so in adult-hood they are constantly mistaking minor things for the worst disease because in their subconscious the physical trauma is still going on. They haven’t rectified in the body that the trauma is no longer happening. So they keep trying to draw attention to the physical body because when they were little and they did have an injury or disease, they never got the acceptance / acknowledgment that their pain and or suffering was real and valid. (1st Chakra)

*inspiration for this list was taken from: Archetype Cards by Caroline Myss. I added things as they have occurred to me, and as I have worked with clients etc.

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