I am not your source. If you choose to enter into the energetic container Merge With Your Power then you are entering into a quantum contain. And I am not your source, the Energetic Container & God Force Energy is your source. The energetic container is just a concentrated energy of god, just programmed for miracles, shifts, and changes, and of course merging with your power. So, once you enter into the container with me… you can communicate with it. You can ask the container for stuff. You can interact with it. You can declare that ‘such and such’ is now done. And then receive it and you’ll receive from the container / God. Not from me. Now I have been in a lot of containers, I have a lot of experience creating containers and doing energy work. So I can help you move and shift thru things really quickly. Quantumly quickly. It’s what I do best. But I am not your source. God / the Quantum Container is. The container is just a concentration of God Force Energy / Cosmic Energy. 

My new energetic container Merge With Your Power is open now. 6 weeks high level 1:1 with me. This is for you if you feel on a soul level it is for you. We are going to do all the things that I talked about in this post and more. You get full access to me and my codes and all the energy work that I do, and we start when you decide to enroll. You can talk to me as much on the phone each week, and we’ll WhatsApp back and forth between calls. I can do energy work via WhatsApp there is no time and space. Message me on FB or email at Support{{AT}}arwenMcLaughlin.com if you want further details and pricing info!

Much love guys! 

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