These are some of my favorite books.

Although I’ve read a ton of books, I tried to pick the ones that I come back to over and over again. I have always loved spiritual things and business things and have spent the past 10 years with my nose in both! It is part of my life purpose to help other spiritual women create epic online business and an epic lifestyle true to their unique dreams to go along with it. Either way, here are a series of books (in no particular order) I have found helpful on my journey. Remember that although books can have wonderful and useful information, all the answers to all your desires are inside of you, and books are not a substitute for your own inner guidance.

My Favorite Shamanic Books

Shamanic Journeying: A Beginners Guide (with CD) by Sandra Ingerman

Soul Retrieval by Sandra Ingerman (her first book, so it’s a little slow, but I still loved it.)

The Shamanic Tradition by Sandra Ingerman

Walking in the Light by Sandra Ingerman

The Book of Ceremony by Sandra Ingerman (So good!! We don’t have enough ceremony in our modern lives anymore.)

Awakening to the Spirit World: the Shamanic Path of Direct Revelationby Sandra Ingerman & Hank Wesselman


The Gift of Shamanism by Itzhak Beery (Yes, read all three of these, loved them so much.)

Shamanic Healing by Itzhak Beery

Shamanic Transformations By  Itzhak Beery


Spiritwalker Book 1 by Hank Wesselmen (Couldn’t put these down. It’s about a man who connects to his ancestor in the future.)

Medicinemaker Book 2 by Hank Wesselmen

Visionseeker Book 3 by Hank Wesselmem


The Map by Colette Baron-Reid (Very good, even though she calls her process InVision, really it’s just shamanic practices. It’s clairvoyantly reading energy and changing energy.)


If your feeling a little adventurous and don’t get freaked out about the subject, these are superb to read.

Spirit Release: A Practical Handbook By Sue Allen (Reading this will help you ‘see’ things you haven’t noticed before, and clarify a lot.)

Healing Lost Souls: Releasing Unwanted Sprites from your Energy body By William Baldwin (Very good and thought. He goes into not only dead people being attached to living people, but also DFE (dark force entities) as well as soul fragments of others being trapped in others fields. I see this in my energy healing work, but never though to put it into words like he did. I saw these things in my work before I knew what it was fully. He gives examples of how he does this with hypnosis.)

Earthbound Spirits Are Attached To You: How You Can Remove Them By George Schwimmer, PHD (This one is only took me about two hours to read and the examples were really good. Will make you rethink lots of things that have happened in your life.)

Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual 2nd Edition by William J Baldwin (This really is the definitive book on the subject, and it’s an inch and a half thick. His other book ‘Healing Lost Souls’ is really the condensed version of this book here. You don’t have to get this book, the other one is very in depth, this one is even more in depth.)

Soul Cleansing and Energetic Protection : Removing Negative Energies and Entities, Earthbound and Extraterrestrial by Eva Marquez

My Favorite books on Divination

The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings By Brigit Esselmont (If you only get one tarot book get this one.)

Raising The Tunes: A shamanic journey through Avalon by Jeremy R. J. White (I enjoyed this because Odin and the Norse Gods are in my subconscious and come to me in dreams… and this book is about shamanic journeys, so what is not to love.)

The Runes by Lisa Peschel (My reference book for rune meanings.)

The Book of Runes by Ralph H. Blum (Also, reference book for one meanings.)

Tarot In Ten Minutes by R. T. Kaser (Good, but if you have to get one, get Bridit’s)

Tarot Spreads By Barbara Moore (The only book about tarot spreads that I’ve ever liked. I also like Nicky’s book of tarot spreads on her website She primarily on Instagram)

My Favorite Metaphysical Books

Energy Strands: The Ultimate Guide to Clearing the Cords That Are Constricting Your Life by Denise Linn (I feel like everyone should read this.)

Finding the Native Spirit by Denise Linn

Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of your home by Denise Linn

Past lives, Present Miracles by Denise Linn

The Hidden Power of Dreams by Denise Linn

Quest by Denise Linn

You Are Psychic: the Art of Clairvoyant Reading & Healing by Debra Lynne Katz (loved this book.)

Extraordinary Psychic: Proven Techniques To Master Your Natural Psychic Abilities by Debra Lynne Katz

You Are Psychic By Sherrie Dillard

The Seventh Sense By Lyn Buchanan (About the U.S. military’s Remote Viewing Program)

Clear Your Shit by Dane Tomas (So good. Combines emotional clearing and muscle testing.)

The Integrated Man by Dane Tomas

The Health and Beauty Botanical Handbook by Pip Waller (Found this book in the UK at one of the Castle gift shops. So many herbal recipes!!! with a huge reference section of other herbals books I’ve never heard of in the U.S. located in the back as well)

Diary of a Psychic By Sonia Choquette (a fun ready about her childhood and growing up psychic)

Divining Ancient Sites: Insights into their Creation by Maria Wheatley

The Essential Dowsing Guide by Dennis Wheatley

Become the One by E.J. Love (about emotional abuse, narcissism, looking for love outside of you, and overcoming it.)

The Blue Diamond Souls By Zapheria Bell (About consciously conceiving children)

Safe To Love Again By Gary Sayler (really good but definitely heavy. If you like patterns in consciousness you’ll love it. He talks about how when there is trauma people lose certain ‘rights’. LIek the right be ‘welcomed with joy’. Worthy and nourished. Cherished and protected. Empowered with Choice. To love and be loved’ etc.)

Matrix Energetics By Dr Richard Bartlette (Read this book then went to the Matrix Energetics Seminars over 10 years ago. This was the primary basis of the energy work I do today.

Cosmic Energy - Instant Intuition - The Future Is Yours By Anne Jirsch

Cosmic Energy – How to Harness the Invisible Power Around You to Transform Your Life &
Instant Intuition – A Psychic’s Guide to Finding Answers to Life’s Important Questions &
The Future Is Yours – Introducing Future Life Progression The Dynamic Technique That Revels Your Destiny
By Anne Jirsch

Angel Detox By Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves, N.D.

Angel Detox

By Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves, N.D.

The Earth Chronicles Expeditions By Zecharia Sitchin

The Earth Chronicles Expeditions

By Zecharia Sitchin


Crystal Children & Angel Numbers 101 By Doreen Virtue

Crystal Children & Angel Numbers 101

By Doreen Virtue


Secrets of Attraction By Sandra Ann Taylor

Secrets of Attraction

By Sandra Ann Taylor


The Art of Dowsing By Richard Webster

The Art of Dowsing

By Richard Webster

Discover your Inner Widsom By Char Margolis

Discover your Inner Widsom

By Char Margolis


Beyond Past Lives By Mira Kelly

Beyond Past Lives

By Mira Kelly

The Big Book of Angel Tarot By Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

The Big Book of Angel Tarot

By Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Healing with the Fairies By Doreen Virtue

Healing with the Fairies

By Doreen Virtue

The One Command By Asara Lovejoy

The One Command

By Asara Lovejoy


Nutrition for Nutrition By Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves

Nutrition for Nutrition

By Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves


Beyond Human By Jaden Phoenix

Beyond Human

By Jaden Phoenix


Do It Yourself Akashic Wisdom By Jacki Smith and Patty Shaw

Do It Yourself Akashic Wisdom

By Jacki Smith and Patty Shaw

Tarot Spreads By Barbara Moore

Tarot Spreads

By Barbara Moore


The Power of TED by David Emerald

The Power of TED

by David Emerald

My Favorite Relationship Books

Safe to Love Again by Gary Salyer

 Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex & Why Mars and Venus Collide: Improving Relationships by Understanding How Men and Women Cope Differently with Stress By John Gray

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex &
Why Mars and Venus Collide: Improving Relationships by Understanding How Men and Women Cope Differently with Stress

By John Gray

Tantric Orgasm for Women & The Heart of Sex By Diana Richardson

Tantric Orgasm for Women &
The Heart of Sex

By Diana Richardson


Mars and Venus on a Date: A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship By John Gray

Mars and Venus on a Date: A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship

By John Gray

Mars and Venus in the Workplace: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting Results at Work By John Gray

Mars and Venus in the Workplace: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting Results at Work

By John Gray

My Favorite Business Books

The 4 Hour Work Week By Timothy Ferris

The 4 Hour Work Week

By Timothy Ferris


Start With Why By Simon Sinek

Start With Why

By Simon Sinek

The One Thing By Gary Keller

The One Thing

By Gary Keller

The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months By Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington

The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months

By Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington

Rework By Jason Fried


By Jason Fried


The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative, Visual Map for Success By Jennifer Lee

The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative, Visual Map for Success

By Jennifer Lee

Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way: Sustainable Success for the Creative Entrepreneur

Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way: Sustainable Success for the Creative Entrepreneur &

By Jennifer Lee


Some Other Books I Enjoyed I Didn't Really Have a Category for!

The following books by Anthony Williams in order of being published: Medical Medium, Life Changing Foods, Thyroid Healing, Liver Rescue, Celery Juice.

Disarming the Narcissist
By Wendy Terrie Behary & Daniel J Siegel

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that the links on this page are affiliate links and if you click on them I get a small commission. I put these books up so that when I was talking to someone I could just say, well go to my website and the book is right there! There are a lot of books that I have just loved, and I wanted it to be easy for people to find what I was talking about, so this page was born. The affiliate links help me make more free stuff because it sends a little bit of revenue my way, but know that whether affiliates program existed or not, I’d still have these books here because they have been useful on my journey. XOXO Arwen

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