When you stop being the queen standing in the audience and start being the queen sitting on her throne… everything changes. That aspect of you is commanding her power. Standing in it. Wielding it. And receiving from it. She is not scared. She is not timid.
She is strong, capable, happy and playful. She honors her essence, and honors her power and embodies it fully. So she sits on her throne comfortably. Not needing approval, or pandering or validation. Because she knows who she is.
She is the queen.
And as such she receives the way a queen receives. She speaks the way a queen speaks. And she gives the way a queen gives. Her very essence embodies honor and power. She wears her crown fully and radiates that out of her essence. And the universe response. Because the universe is responding to you always. The universe is just reflecting back to you the way you are being. So choose how you are being and how you are choosing to show up. Not just physically, but energetically as well.
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