My stomach fat is like a macaroni salad of emotions. 

When I had my acupuncture session the other day I told him that I noticed that ‘guilt’ kept coming up for me. And I thought it was interesting, because I don’t ACTIVELY FEEL the guilt, so it’s hard to notice. But when I feel into my body… I feel like it is lodged in my cells and it is vibrating and it is obviously contributing to what I have the capacity to create and receive. Guilt obviously blocks receiving. So I told him I’d like to discharge guilt, shame, and humiliation out of my body. 

And during the session I asked him his perspective on excess weight on the body. I just wanted to know his perspective. Our modern society for some reason seems to think that weight has to do with food. And I have never, not even when I was little thought that excess weight had to do with food. That has always seemed preposterous to me. Intuitively… I think it usually, most of the time, it has to do with emotions. So when I asked Carlos his perspective, he said in acupuncture that emotions are water. And that weight is often too much water in the body aka emotions. So he sees weight as stuck emotions in the body. Bingo. 

And during the session I asked him his perspective on excess weight on the body. I just wanted to know his perspective. Our modern society for some reason seems to think that weight has to do with food EXCLUSIVELY. And maybe it does for ‘some’ people. But is it the ‘food’? Or is it the ‘emotional reaction’ to the food? Cause those are different things. By clearing up my emotional stuff and doing my energy work I have cleared allergies and such. So how ‘fixed in stone’ and ‘outside of you’ are allergies? Not very from my experience. But anyways, And I have never, not even when I was little thought that excess weight had to do with food. That has always seemed preposterous to me. Intuitively… I think it usually, most of the time, it has to do with emotions. So when I asked Carlos his perspective, he said in acupuncture that emotions are water. And that weight is often too much water in the body aka emotions. So he sees weight as stuck emotions in the body. Bingo. It reminds me of that time that I decided to clear emotions of out of my psoas muscle energetically, (especially terror) and that night my back didn’t ‘pull’ for the first time in years. Go figure.

But anyways, I told him I was glad that was his perspective because if he answered food he was fired as my acupuncturist. 😂 He thought that was funny. So anyways. I noticed after my session that I felt ‘thinner’… not completely, and not all the way, but defiantly thinner. And then I realized that the weight on my body, (I have stomach fat that magically appeared one day out of nowhere) is a conglomeration of emotions. And I saw in my clairvoyant eye the image of a macaroni salad. And I realized that macaroni salad is made up of several ingredients and that each ingredient represents an emotion. And my ‘stomach fat’ is also made up of several emotions all tossed together. And I ‘feel’ fat because that is how those unique blend of emotions ‘feel’ to me. But really, it’s probably 6 or 7 different emotions that blend together. Like macaroni salad. But I don’t say that I feel, sad, depressed, heavy, guilt, fearful, reserved etc. No I say “I feel fat”. 

When I show up on potluck day I don’t say, “Hey, I brought some noddles, celery, broccoli, red peppers, cucumbers, and feta cheese”. No. I say, “I brought macaroni salad”. 😂 We just lump things together and then give it a name. And I realize I’m not even really aware of what those conglomerations of emotions are on a daily basis. I don’t feel into them and dissect each piece. But now that I’ve had this awareness I can’t go back. But anyways, that is my epiphany / story of the day. I figured this would make sense to you all in here and it would resonate.  

On frogs and laying face up almost naked

So I had a wonderful experience a few days ago. I saw my favorite acupuncturist / energy guy. He is from Guatemala originally but has lived here (in the U.S.) a long time now. And he has such good energy! So I told him what I intuitively felt was out of balance and needed to be corrected. And he did the needles and the cups on my back. Then I turned face up, and he started to rub essential oils on my chest. And I had said I felt some twinges in my ribs when I was on my stomach. So he asked, can I rub further down your chest? And I was like, of course!
So he rubbed the oils and I started to cough. All this phlegm started to want to dislodge out of my lungs. It felt like real phlegm and energetic phlegm. So I basically had a massive coughing fit sitting up almost naked on the table. It was very freeing. (I had my underwear on) then I laid back down, and he warmed up my upper chest and my ribs with his hands generating heat. And then did cupping and needles.
But basically I was saying bare chested up for about an hour. And something about that felt very freeing. He has such good energy. And his energy is very soft and very respectful. Never once in all the times I’ve seen him have I ever felt he would cross any sort of boundaries in any way. His sexual energy is in check and not out of bounds or balance. I rarely get massages from men because I feel they can’t keep their sexual energy in check. And there is nothing wrong with sexual energy or desire obviously, but it doesn’t belong in the healing / massage / acupuncture space obviously.
But anyways, he told me about his experiences doing mind altering plant substances and talking to the frogs when he was in these states, and his fun stories about that. And it was just nice to allow myself to be open and allow myself to receive healing, and just be present in my body, with a man (who is masculine / attracted to women) but at the same time, without sexual energy present.
So it was nice. I don’t know why I wanted to tell that story, I just felt like I wanted to share. In our western society sexual energy is either really repressed or really too far out of bounds. So it was nice to interact with someone where that was not the case for an hour. 😂

🌟Holding the illogical🌟

When I am doing energy work there are so many things that come up that to my left brain are totally illogical. They make no sense. But I don’t judge them, I just move past them. And I keep going. Because I know what I am doing. And because I am not swayed or derailed by the scary, or the makes no sense, or the whatever.
Case in point, this one time I was doing this energy session and in my minds eye I saw this haunted house situation, and there were zombies everywhere trying to keep me out of the house. The ‘me’ 10 years ago would have freaked out about the scenery in my minds eye and tried to suppress it or delete it and ‘try again’… thinking I had gotten the wrong images. Or been scared and not wanted to proceed with the energy session etc.
But when this showed up (years ago) I had already been doing energy work for a while and already had a lot of experience in this realm. And I know I am working in a hologram. And sure I can ask what the zombies mean, but really, Iv’e been doing this so long, I don’t care. I know they are the distraction to the real substance. And I was looking for the root core cause pattern in this hologram. And since the zombies were trying to keep me out of the basement of the house, I clearly knew the answer was in the basement of the house. So I went into the house and into the basement past other scary things, and down into a tunnel, that turned into a cave, and there were more ‘fears’ down there. Which I deleted, and finally I found an aspect of self and reintegrated it and then the zombies / haunted house automatically melted / deleted because they were a projection of the emotional state of the aspect of self I found at the bottom of the pattern. The session was over in like 12 minutes.
Anyways, point of story, there will be things that come up that seem to derail you when you’re manifesting things. You’ll have fears come up. (zombies) You’ll have ideas and desires come up that seem to contradict each other and that seem illogical. And the left brain can’t hold these things. The left brain doesn’t like things to be illogical. It is not ok with 2 seemingly opposing things interacting or existing side by side. The right brain however has no issues with that.
And if you’re always in your left brain you’ll only create what your left brain will let you. Because the frequency of the left brain is limiting. If you want an ‘illogical life’…. And you want an ‘amazing I can’t believe she did that’ life. If you want a ‘miracle’ to manifest then you have to stay and operate from, and magnetize the life you want to you from your right brain. The right brain doesn’t have limitations, it doesn’t perceive time, it doesn’t even perceive linearity or continuity in circumstances. Which is GREAT if you’re wanting to manifest something you have never manifested before!!!!
It’s easy to know when you’re in your right brain. You’re feeling how it would feel to have the thing. You’re already in the images in your mind where it is happening. You feel the ‘click’. You feel the excitement. You’re anticipating it. You’re excited even though nothing outside of you is telling you it is coming!!
It’s easy to know if you’re in the left side of your brain. You doubt yourself. You have a long list of reasons why the thing can’t manifest. You feel like it will take a long time. Be hard. Never come. It’s for other people and not you. You feel like you’re going to get the same thing next month, that you just got last month because it’s logical.
To create what you’ve never created before, to quantum leap, you have to BE in the space of expansion, and possibility, and illogical really. And be ok with that.
Quantum Choice Points

Quantum Choice Points

Stepping into an energetic container with me is a VIBE. It is an EXPERIENCE, it is a DECLARATION. It’s a choice to UP-LEVEL. It is a vortex. It allows you to create momentum, and more momentum, and more momentum. It allows you to spiral up and up and up, FAST. When someone does it RIGHT. When someone holds a powerful SPACE. A powerful energetic container, then YES that can catapult you to new heights. It can blast out caked and impacted gunk out of your subconscious. Creating this rush of energy through your system that can help you energetically hold more. Have the bandwidth for MORE. It’s a vortex. Stepping into a powerful energetic container is POWERFUL because it creates a vortex for you to rise up (and therefore manifest quicker). A single session is great. It’s a mini-vortex. But being in a 6-week energetic container with me is like stepping into a hurricane. (But a good one) The energy is running all the time. You’re being reprogrammed in your sleep. You’re being reprogrammed as you move through your day. And you get 1:1 WhatsApp access to me. Any shifts and changes I make within myself as we are in the container together you get as well. Because we’re energetically entangled in the vortex together. We’re both steeping into a container of moving energy. A container of change and transformation. A container of miracles, where normal 3D rules don’t apply. Where stuff shifts and changes and you’re like… What? Where did that even go? And you don’t even care, because you never needed that sh** holding you down in the first place. Merge With Your Power. It will be fun. It will be intense. It will be amazing.

Levels of Receiving

Levels of Receiving

The level of receiving you are a match for in your adult life is being reflected back to you by what your child hood self felt he/she could receive from her parents. And everything he/she feels she could or could not receive is also playing out in your adult life. If your childhood self felt there was a price then your adult self will feel there is a price. If your inner child hood self felt something was out of reach, then your adult self will feel things are out of reach. Its all a direct mirror. And one you stop trying to deal with the reflection (what your adult self needs wants feels she can have) and deal with the source of the pattern, where the pattern was first created / the emotional pattern of your small self and the identities that were created to cope with said limitations your inner child / subconscious feels) then you will actually be able to create change on a core deep level. 

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