Quantum Choice Points

Quantum Choice Points

Stepping into an energetic container with me is a VIBE. It is an EXPERIENCE, it is a DECLARATION. It’s a choice to UP-LEVEL. It is a vortex. It allows you to create momentum, and more momentum, and more momentum. It allows you to spiral up and up and up, FAST. When someone does it RIGHT. When someone holds a powerful SPACE. A powerful energetic container, then YES that can catapult you to new heights. It can blast out caked and impacted gunk out of your subconscious. Creating this rush of energy through your system that can help you energetically hold more. Have the bandwidth for MORE. It’s a vortex. Stepping into a powerful energetic container is POWERFUL because it creates a vortex for you to rise up (and therefore manifest quicker). A single session is great. It’s a mini-vortex. But being in a 6-week energetic container with me is like stepping into a hurricane. (But a good one) The energy is running all the time. You’re being reprogrammed in your sleep. You’re being reprogrammed as you move through your day. And you get 1:1 WhatsApp access to me. Any shifts and changes I make within myself as we are in the container together you get as well. Because we’re energetically entangled in the vortex together. We’re both steeping into a container of moving energy. A container of change and transformation. A container of miracles, where normal 3D rules don’t apply. Where stuff shifts and changes and you’re like… What? Where did that even go? And you don’t even care, because you never needed that sh** holding you down in the first place. Merge With Your Power. It will be fun. It will be intense. It will be amazing.

Levels of Receiving

Levels of Receiving

The level of receiving you are a match for in your adult life is being reflected back to you by what your child hood self felt he/she could receive from her parents. And everything he/she feels she could or could not receive is also playing out in your adult life. If your childhood self felt there was a price then your adult self will feel there is a price. If your inner child hood self felt something was out of reach, then your adult self will feel things are out of reach. Its all a direct mirror. And one you stop trying to deal with the reflection (what your adult self needs wants feels she can have) and deal with the source of the pattern, where the pattern was first created / the emotional pattern of your small self and the identities that were created to cope with said limitations your inner child / subconscious feels) then you will actually be able to create change on a core deep level. 

Patterns with money

Patterns with money

So, I love money. I really do. When I think about having more of it I get very excited and want to go to fun things with it. I associate money with fun. I also associate it with not knowing when it’s going to come, but when it does there sure is a lot of it! This emotional pattern that was playing out with money was the SAME emotional pattern that was playing out with my ex-boyfriend! YAY! For pattern recognition! (End applause) This is all fine and good to recognize until you see that your pattern here is going to keep you in an up and down pattern with money. .

Wishing I had more money. Wishing my ex would spend more time with me (previously, I have let him go now) wishing that he would be consistent, feeling like I could trust him (and money) and it was all so simple when I looked at it on vibrational level. And all so simple when I just decided I was just going to BE different with money. When I was going to let money be the fun joyful, consistent, and committed love. Then things changed. But not before.

By changing my identity / role and relationship with money I changed my experience with money. Money comes more frequently now and comes in greater and greater amounts. I receive it more and more often and have more and more fun as well. If this vibrates with you and you want to do the vibration work to encode a new state in your body and you feel a resonance with my new energetic container Merge With You Power. Reach out and let me know. A lot of the details are on the ‘merge with your power’ page under the ‘work with me’ tab. 

Much love today guys. 

Changing the emotional patterning in your body

Changing the emotional patterning in your body

When the work / alchemical change dropped into my body about what needed to happen in order for me to fully release and fully allow my business to prosper, one of the things that came forth was the ‘relationship’ that I was having with my business on a vibrational level. The emotional connection or relationship that you’re having with ‘anything in your life’ is pivotal and leads to the keys of that transformation. Because the emotional relationship to the thing shows you the archetype you’re playing out with the thing. Which shows you the identity set in your subconscious that your playing out with the thing.

When I set the intention to change the relationship dynamic I was playing out with my business it was shown to me very clearly that I was playing out abandoned / wounded child wanting to be rescued. And my business was playing out the ‘role’ of my father. My dominate emotional patterns used to be… I need the business to reduce me. If I just had the business, then I would have money. Which to my sub was love and safety. Your sub is always looking for love and safety. If you don’t have something it’s probably because on some deep level you don’t associate having that as safe. So you’re playing out a pattern with anything in your life, whether it’s your business, or your job, or your partner, or whatever and you feel the feeling in your body of… “I NEED this thing. It HAS to work. If it doesn’t WORK then I’m doomed / I’ll never be able to have what I want etc.”

Then you’re playing in the vibration of ‘lack’. In the vibration of ‘I don’t have it’. And then the universe just responds to that. If you vibrate at ‘I don’t have it’ you just get more ‘I don’t have it’. It’s so simple, and yet we often miss it. It is so normal in our society to loooonnnngggg for things. To wish for them for years. It’s seen as acceptable and then people pat you not the head when you don’t have the thing you want so badly, because they most likely don’t either, because they just don’t know. And I’m here to tell you, things do NOT have play out like that.

The key to changing things is you have to change the emotional patterning in your BODY regarding the thing. And the emotional patterning is generated by certain archetype / identities in the sub as well as aspect of self in the sub. And when you heal them / clear and transmute the stuck energy and then bring in the identities and emotional states that SUPPORT what you want, then attracting the thing is easy. It’s easy because you’re vibrating at ‘I already have it’ NOT ‘I don’t have it and need someone outside of me to deliver it to me’.

Then you’re attracting based on your PRESENCE. You’re attracting based on ‘WHO YOU BE’ not what you ‘DO’. Big difference here. The stuff you’ve already got, you’ve got because you are already the person who would have that. Manifestation on a deep level is about encoding identity states. And different identity states have different levels of being able to receive. They have different levels of worthiness and what they feel they deserve. Their capacity to BE WITH MORE is different. And when you have those different identity states that are in line with your soul pulled into your body, then you start to live out your purpose. Ask me how I know this. If you want to do this type of work with me and wish to know more I have lots of details on my ‘merge with your power’ page under the ‘work with em tab’ on my website. If you feel called message me, and we can get started! 

About spending money on things I didn’t need.

About spending money on things I didn’t need.

When I did my inner child work… when I went into the emotions in my body (this was back in Dec) I sank into my body and I could feel all these feelings of having been deluded. I could feel the feelings of being ‘had’. Of regretting some of the things I had spent money on. Not all things. But some. I never regretted any of the energy sessions I got or the money spent on learning energy work. But I didn’t regret those things because they were soul aligned.
Now I did regret some of the business programs that I had enrolled in. Not all of them, but some. And I regretted it because it wasn’t the soul aligned thing for me to do. I thought I needed those program because I couldn’t figure out why things weren’t flowing. But things weren’t flowing because I was messed up in my emotions. I felt like I ‘needed’ those things in order to be whole / ‘figure out’ my biz. Because there must be something OUTSIDE of me that I’m missing.
But no, there was nothing I was missing per-say, the only thing I was missing was that it was an inside job. I was not fully in my body. And because I wasn’t fully integrated I didn’t know what to do. Because I based ‘what to do’ based on what my intuitive impulses are. But I couldn’t feel my intuitive impulses because I was out of my body. I was out of my body because I had some parts of me / aspects of self that thought that I had to earn love. (READ: childhood pieces) And these childhood pieces had projected out that the ‘business programs’ were going to ‘save’ me. They were going to ‘help’ me ‘figure it out’.
You know what I couldn’t figure out? I couldn’t figure out EMOTIONALLY why I didn’t have ‘more’ clients (I had some – now I have plenty, but were getting to that part) I was emotionally confused as to why I didn’t receive from my father growing up (he was not around) and in my adult life that translated into I don’t understand why I don’t receive more from my business. What equaled my father in my childhood, equaled my business in adulthood. (READ: same MF pattern)
So I was unconsciously ‘looking’ to business programs to help me figure out what I was ‘missing’ about my business because I couldn’t figure it out. If you can’t figure something out, you are emotionally confused. And you’re emotionally confused because something is missing. (By missing I mean an aspect of self) There is something that is not understood in the body. And when that piece comes back in, you get it.
And what I ‘got’ was that I was looking to the programs to help me figure out my biz, because really I was emotionally confused as to why my father left and didn’t want me. My childhood self figured, “well, it must be me”, I need to change myself to figure out what I need to DO or how I need to BE to make him want me. Which led to looking to others to tell me how to run my business (aka what to DO / how to BE) so that people want me (aka my father wants me) You see how this is the same pattern?
I was never going to figure it out by trying to DO stuff on an upper level ‘make stuff happen’. When you ‘get it’ on a deep / childhood piece level… your outer reality changes. Even things you haven’t been able to figure out for yearsssss… suddenly just stop. As soon as I cleared this up, clients started to flood in. I didn’t do anything different. Sure I have hundreds of YouTube videos and lots of subscribers on that now, but my ENERGY changing around this subject, is what changed things for me.
I felt anger and regret, and the pain of ‘being deluded’ by the business programs because I was running a gullible child archetype in my psyche. That part of me was just so confused as to how she kept being deluded and kept thinking… ‘Oh this is going to be the thing!’ Only to find that, ‘No it wasn’t’. And no it wasn’t because I didn’t need anything outside of me (aka any business program) to TELL me HOW to BE so that people would want to spend time with me / give stuff to me. (Aka hire me) Because there was nothing WRONG with me.
I had to emotionally / energetically clear out the feeling / association in my body that there was something wrong with me and THAT was why my father didn’t want me. When I cleared the sadness, the hurt, the shame and abandonment OUT OF MY BODY. And integrated the parts of self that were fragmented out. THEN I felt whole. THEN I felt loved. On a core level. And then I felt like, well of course my father loves me and wants to spend time with me. And then out of the blue, clients started messaging me and were like, ‘Hey I want to book a session do you have time’? And I was like, ‘Sure’.
But no, the biz programs were not going to save me. Because what I was unconsciously projecting out into the world in my deeper emotional body /childhood pieces were what was creating the ‘problem’ in my day to day adult life. I feel like it has taken me longer to write to you guys than to do the energy work to correct this. But this is the type of work were going to be doing in Merge With Your Power. Correct patterns in the psyche like this energetically, and talk on the phone and do WhatsApp messages back and forth to energetically shift your sh**. The whole thing is a 6 week energetic container. And if you join me (it starts when you enter) we will be doing some shamanic ceremonies to shift and change realty and the energy work to shift your life dramatically. Message me if you feel like this is for you and if you have any questions.
Much love guys. Nite.

The identities in your sub are dictating your level of receiving

The identities in your sub are dictating your level of receiving

Today I want to talk about collapsing the archetypes / identities that are keeping you stuck. I can’t even tell you in words HOW MUCH THIS CHANGED MY LIFE. When I figured this out (READ: I shut up long enough to listen to spirits medicine) it was like, OMG, I just spent years struggling and I had no reason to do that. Like none. If I had only known all these ‘self-sabotazing emotions’ I was dealing with were actually the KEY to unlocking all the doors. I would have fell over. I look at it now and it’s so easy for me to see. Because I’m on the other side of the door. All the emotions were leading me right to the identities / archetypes that were playing out in my subconscious. Like X marks the spot on a map. And all I had to do was energetically eject those identities like you eject a CD out of a DVD player. And If I knew I could rifle thru my DNA and CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE… the identities / archetypes that I WANTED to embody, and press play like on a remote control, I would have been like, OMG sign me up!!!
These identities are dictating what you believe you can have. They are dictating your WORTHINESS ON A SUBCONSCIOUS LEVEL. This is everything. All your problems and issues were created BEFORE you were 3. (Unless of course you had some sort of disaster /accident / trauma that caused major soul loss as an adult, which happens) However, even if this is the case, I’m still confident that 95% of your issues are all ‘under the rug’. You’re not actually conscious of the root core cause. Hence, the Jaguar showing himself as the guide and the messenger of this energetic portal. This energetic container that were doing together. He moves thru the darkness. He can track anything. And can bring it back. That’s what he does. He walks between dimensions. He finds parts of you that were lost or abandoned. And he brings them home to you. Now. You get to heal now. Not in like… 10 years. That’s not how this works. I have opened up a portal for healing & transformation. We are going in. Are you joining us? (Me and the Jaguar only, this is not a group program)
Energetic healing will take place.
Portals will be opened.
Energy will come thru.
Next level healing will happen.
Aspects of self will be returned.
Identities will be shifted.
You will never be the same, in the most intensely magical and orgasmic way. Because this is the way of the Jaguar. Full soul level healing. It’s starting now. The deadline to jump into this energetic portal with me closes on May 8th at midnight EST.
If you are the one the Jaguar has chosen, message me if you want in or have any questions. If we’re a fit to work together I’ll give you the payment link, and well get started. It’s 6 weeks of intense energetic work with me. You get to talk to me as many times a week as you want and WhatsApp access as well. (Mon-fri) Message me on FB. See you inside.

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