by Arwen | Mar 30, 2017 | MF magical Business Mindset Shizzle
When your hearts desires are coming to fruition it feels like….. GRATITUDE! It feels like rainbow bright is all over the place and you feel giddy with excitement! You can almost feel your desire coming to you on the wings of unicorns or something.
But this often one of the last steps. This is often what someone will tell you to do to ‘bring’ something to you. Just feel in gratitude with your desire, and it will show up.
That’s true… BUT what is often NOT talked about is how you get yourself into gratitude. Or even near gratitude.
>>What about when you don’t fully believe the thing???
>>What about when you don’t really get it. And your confused.
>>And you believe its so far form you you’ll never get it and it is just so farrrrrrra away. And ahhhhhh!!!! I want it now and I just cant figure it out.
Often that is what I don’t see others talking about.
All your thoughts and feelings about something are just temporary frequency sets. And you can ALWAYS change frequencies. These are just choices.
>>Your feelings are choices.
>>Your thoughts are choices.
>>You approach or preconception of something is a choice.
You can always move your vibration into more and more of a match to what you want. And it starts by clearing out and reversing what you don’t want. What you think “has” to happen. What you think all the 3D things are that you think need to occur for you to have/get/have access to the thing your desiring.
And then you have to blow those thoughts/preconceived notions out of the water and see them for what they are. Stuff that just isn’t true or valid in the scheme of universal principles and creating whatever it is that you want. And once you have done that, THEN you can start to stir up the cauldron of the co-creative substance of the universe to manifest and bring out of the ether’s your most epic/fun/joyful outcome! You know… the thing you have been desiring and making yourself a match to!
by Arwen | Mar 22, 2017 | MF magical Business Mindset Shizzle
I used to be a web designer. And I had clients in town and I could do not only their website, but their pictures, and nominal photo editing as well as videos hooting/editing/uploading to YouTube ect for them. I got to make my own hours and do it how I wanted, but I was so unhappy! I hated doing all of that stuff.
I wasn’t giving myself permission to get in touch with what my true feelings really were.
I wasn’t giving myself permission to say the message I really wanted to say.
And I wasn’t giving myself the permission to have things be easier for me and work for me.
This was back when I though I HAD to do things because… well I had a skill and I should use it, and after-all, there was a demand for that skill! (YOU DONT)
This was back when I though I had to start at the bottom and work my way up, – of course I should do these things for others before I do them for myself!! (YOU DONT)
This was back when I though I had to be afraid of what my clients would think as well as other people in general, if I told them I didn’t want to DO what I had been doing for them business wise because it just wasn’t aligned with me (YOU DONT)
I was thinking THINGS OUTSIDE OF ME were in command of ME, instead of, I AM IN COMMAND OF THOSE THINGS.
You are choosing! And you have permission to choose what works for you!!!
If you don’t love it, leave it!!!
Its cliche I know, but those who already have success know that:
>>> Holding onto things not serving you, means… you are not begin a vibration match to the version of you that already has success.<<<
Fast forward to today….
I don’t do anything I don’t want to do pretty much, almost all of the time.
But that’s because I know that action isn’t what determines your results. That is a 3D perception of reality.
>>>NOW I know that its my energy that brings things to me.<<<
>>>Its my joy that brings things to me.<<<
>>>And its my RESONANCE that bring things to me.<<<
Basically, its who I AM BEING.
Start being the future version of YOU today.
by Arwen | Mar 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
When you step out each morning focus on your power.
Focus on your strength.
When I was younger I would have focused on what was wrong and then ‘tried’ to fix it. Now I know that is the worse thing you can do!! Since you get what you focus on.
If you focus on problems it keeps you in the frequency band of ‘problems’ which can feel like frustration/doubt/being afraid to move forward. And the more you stay in THAT frequency band the more you attract more of that to you. Because your a match for it.
To get yourself OUT of that, you have to move yourself into a new feeling state. You have to move yourself up to higher emotion than where your are at.
#1 What are you most frustrated/down about today? Write that down.
#2 Reverse the statement you wrote. Add more things that FEEL like your reversed statement.
Repeat that to your self the rest of your day!
Example: I am frustrated that I don’t have more time today.
TURNS INTO: I am happy that I have plenty of time today. Everything is working out perfectly. I will easily and naturally have time for everything that I need. Things are working out in my favor always. I am allowing everything to flow. And I am allowing everything to turn out right.
BOOM you just flipped from ‘Victim Brain’ over to ‘Creator Brain’.
This is the most important STATE OF BEING if you wish to be an expert manifestor. Because your frequency is everything in manifestation.
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