5 of Wands

5 of Wands

Where are you in conflict with yourself? The #fiveofwands today is asking you to go within and see what parts of you are not in harmony with your goal?
Where are you saying that you want to do something… but in truth you really donā€™t.
Are you being honest with yourself?
Are you being honest with others?
If you didnā€™t have to do it the way that you think you have to do it… Then how would you do it?
If there were no constraints? No boundaries? No ā€˜shouldā€™sā€™? Then what would you choose?
Asking these questions is the key to shining the light on how you ACTUALLY want to go forward. On what you ACTUALLY want to do. So often we get all caught up in other peoples agendas or of societies ideas of how to do things. Or how we have to be… and then we end up disconnected from ourselves or on how to move forward… when the path was really ALWAYS already given to us.
So go with in, light a candle, and tap into what is really going on beneath the surface within you.
#shewolftarot #serpentfire #serpentfiretarot

If you love my thoughts / insights / musings… and want to keep updated subscribe to my email. šŸ˜ŗ Itā€™s on the front page of my website. Much love guys!!!

You have to have inner alignment first and THEN take the action that comes to you.

You know you want to be connected. You know you can do it all. But you can’t do it ifā€¦
Youā€™re frazzled.
And tired.
And stressed out.
And pulled in all these different directions.
You think you can just do, do, do, more and more and more and it will all just eventually work. But no. it will not. That is not how it works. It works when you get your energy in alignment. It works when you put yourself first and your nourishment and your desires first. It works when you are able to really and truly deeply feel what you need in your own body and provide that of yourself first. Then everything around you will work and it will shift and things will magically just come together, and come to fruition.
And it does because your energy does.
Youā€™re manifestations are not apart from you. You do not have to do stuff to get stuff. You have to have inner alignment first and THEN take the action that comes to you.
From the Divine.
From god.
From your higher self.
Or whatever.
But you line yourself up FIRST and then you take the action. And the action is the funnel for the magic to come thru. But it works when you work it. It works when you are in alignment with the thing. You want the thing. You are excited for the thing. And you have cleared all your issues with the thing. Then the thing will come.
The end.
If you love my stuff and want to do more fun stuff together in the future subscribe to my email. Itā€™s on the front of my website. Happy weekend everyone!!

Are you thriving?

What are you holding apart inside of you? What are you telling yourself that you can’t have because you can’t have A and B at the same time? Where are the divisions in your consciousness that tell you that ā€˜thisā€™ is the only thing you can have because ā€˜thatā€™ is not available.
When I do energetic work I see these divisions in peopleā€™s consciousness. They feel they can have love but not money. Or they can have a business but not a relationship. And these things are just ā€˜computer programsā€™ running in one’s subconscious, and they are not true. And when you get into these patters there are all sorts of emotions that are running that are keeping these different parts of life or concepts apart. And they are necessary to rectify to feel whole and healthy and thriving.
That is the work I want to emphasize hereā€¦. Thriving. Are you thriving? Because that is your divine birth right to do. And if you are not and you want to heal/ change/ transmute/ the unconscious patterns running amuck and stopping you from doing / being/ and having what you want in life you will have to choose from deep inside of yourself something different.
If you’re rady for quantum change in your life my Quantum Emotional Clearing sessions are open till Nov 15th Sat.

Life Reflections….

When I work up today I noticed all this anger in my body and all I wanted to do was journal it out. And I found myself journaling all about everything that I regretted. All the things I was annoyed that I hadnā€™t ā€˜put firstā€™ but really I should have put first. And I realized that what I had been denying was that I do know what to do and did back then, (5 years ago) but I didnā€™t listen to my intuition and just do what I KNEW inside that I should have done. And I reflected on my choices and it was just so clear to me that I made all the decisions that I did because I was trying to compensate for all my emotional turmoil. If I had just been emotionally clear I wouldnā€™t have chosen what I did and would have undoubtedly done something different. I was in such struggle.
And because I felt such struggle and strife on a daily basis, I was a mess and my actions reflected it. Its so odd to me now to think back for how long I stayed in that. Because now I feel so clear. And it’s just so easy to take the actions that I need to. Iā€™m not saying I still donā€™t have things to work on. But now I know how to clear my sub shit. If there is anything I wish I had done I wish I had gone more deep into energy work 10 years ago. I got started, then left it, then came back to it. And I wish I had followed more of my intuition regarding certain things. I donā€™t know why I just felt like sharing this. I feel like Iā€™m going to make some 2020 New Year Journaling prompts out of this or something. Journaling on the… “what do you want next year?” Type of prompts never have really helped me achieve my goals. But my journaling today hit home. And I feel like what you regret is really the secret to how to move forward. Because you regret 100% of what your soul tells you to do.

Quantum Clearing

There is no fear there is no box. There are no restrictions. Those things you have been telling yourself… Telling your friends endlessly about on the phone… and carrying on about are just the things you are choosing to keep in your realty for the time being.
You are able to make the decision to transcend them even without knowing how to transcend them.
You are able to just stop… and be like…. “You know what Mr.Problem of mine you have been here waaayyyyy to long. And I have been allowing you to set up shop in my consciousness for way to long. And really itā€™s time for you to be on your way now!ā€ And really the problem doesnā€™t have any say in that. Like an uninvited house guess you can eject the situation of having a ā€˜problemā€™ and walk it to the door. And choose to have a revamp your space!
If you ejected the uninvited guest / problem what would you be spending your time on? How would you rearrange your furniture? Would you decorate? Because that is what you should be doing now to change the energy. The turn things around and to shift your reality to that without uninvited douse guests / problems.
If youā€™re ready to shift your reality around and quantumly delete the issues / ideas/ emotional set points and you want my help to shift massively.šŸ’ƒBook a Quantum Emotional Clearing session now. My calendar is open till Saturday!! Link on the front of my website. šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜„šŸ˜„

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