You have to ground thru the body to manifest anything
Are you in your body fully? Where is your energy?
Today I want to talk about being in the body. And being fully connected to yourself. Lots of the problems that I have noticed with people (myself included) is that if I can’t figure out how to do ‘something’ or I can’t figure out how to ‘move forward’ with purpose… it’s because I am not FULLY GROUNDED in my body.
The whole trying to figure out how to ‘do stuff to get stuff’ paradigm is just a symptom of NOT BEING IN THE BODY.
Because when you’re in the body… then you are connected to yourself fully.
You are connected to source.
You are connected to your desires and your bodily impulses and your intuitive guidance.
And the way that source communicates to you a lot of the time is THRU YOUR BODY. So if you’re not fully connected to it… then how are you going to receive and interpret the symbols, intuitive downloads, and fun impulses/desires that you have? You can’t! And instead you may feel disconnected, or confused as to what to do next, or kind of like… ‘Floaty’… or ‘listless’… and you find that you are just unable to accomplish things. Then the whole day passes, and you’re just like… what did I even do today? I have done nothing, and yet my day may have been filled with activities!
It can feel like this endless treadmill! And then that makes us desire to have more money… so that we can then feel like we can stop doing things so we can finally rest. But the anxiety and the restlessness has to do with not being energetically grounded… not with money.
You can feel anxiety and restlessness with money or feel anxiety and restlessness without money. Money has nothing to do with it. It is an energetic thing.
A lot of times when you’re ‘out of your body’ so to speak… is when you put your TO DO list first. There is this feeling like, if can just get my list done then I will be ok, and feel like I accomlised something, and THEN I will feel safe. And then AFTER I feel safe… then I will go and do the things that I want to do. But you find that day never comes because you’re still out of the body.
You don’t feel -safe- because you’re not in the body. And doing a ‘to do’ list is not going to get you back into your body.
And telling yourself that you’ll do the fun things, the things you long to do, the things your soul longs to do…. Doesn’t magically happen after you accomplish the list either. Because your still disconnected even after accomplishing the list, and so you probably zone out on social media or YouTube/Netflix etc., because you’re so tired. And you want to give yourself a reward for doing what you didn’t feel like doing all day! But of course you’re tired, you didn’t actually accomplish anything your soul wanted you to!
When you accomplish what your soul wants to do… you feel automatically filled up and overflowing and abundant and connected and happy… whether or not you even looked at the list let alone DID the list.
This might be why you have trouble engaging in your creativity. Or trouble doing what you know matters in your life. Or taking time for self-care. Or taking time to smell the roses, or even doing the work you need to do.
Because when you sit down to do work, what you really want to do is play. And when you’re playing, you feel guilt for not doing any ‘work’. And these are all situation and patterns that can play out when you are not grounded into the body.
If you talk about doing something all the time but never actually DO IT… then you’re probably not properly grounded in your body. If you get intuitive downloads of things to do, but then file them away and don’t do them but instead put them on the mental list of things to accomplish, then you’re not properly grounded in your body. If you get a full body excitement yes to so something fun, and then you find some excuse right away to NOT do it and instead so something else mind numbing, then you’re probably not properly grounded in your body.
This is why proper self-care is essential. What grounds you? What makes you feel connected and like your life force is flowing thru you? Are connecting to you in the morning? Are you starting your day by grounding yourself?! What about thru out the day? What takes you out of the body? Notice that. And next time it happens, coax your energy back in. Bring those aspects of you that have wondered off back to center and make sure you are looking thru your own eyes. And that you are feeling what it is that you NEED. And what feels good to YOU. And nourishing to YOU.
Ok much grounded love today guys!!!
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