Creating Offers Shamanically

Creating Offers Shamanically

My day so far… 

Wake up, notice energetic black panther is in my room, reminds me today is the day to talk to him. (He initially showed up yesterday when I was reading Sigourney Weldon’s book Levianthan)

Have latte, think about abundance altar. 

Read Dane Tomas’s post over latte. Re-remember energetic black panther. 

Ask what this moment alone is for, receive inspiration to create Quantum💰Money💰Altar. 

I create the altar, choose the crystal, allow the ceremony to perform to come thru. 

I do said ceremony. Energetic black panther is still staring at me. Check. 

Finish activating altar, crystal, and calling in a divine relationship with Quantum 💰 & Abundance. 

Make lunch. Write this post. 

Talking to a client shortly.

Then I’m SURE the energetic panther is going to pounce on me! 

I’m quite sure he is my new offer. 

I’m sure ill let ya’ll know later.😂🤣

And what I do know, is that if your not creating offers shamanically, your missing out!


It is safe and ok to process deep emotions 💜

I want you all to know that it’s ok if thing in your life happen. You can still have equilibrium. Earlier I had to process some deep feelings in my personal life and it was ok. Before I would have been freaked out that that one area of my life would bleed over into other areas or affect other things I had going on. And I don’t wonder that anymore. I can I know process deep feelings this evening. And get up tomorrow and go hiking and be fully present for that. And tomorrow afternoon I have sessions, and I can be deeply present for them. And then tomorrow night I know I am doing a ceremony. It has already downloaded into my head that I need to do that. And it will all be fine. And it will all work out. And no area needs to bleed over or mess up another area. But I know this now because I’ve done the emotional and energetic work to bring in archetypes and identifies into my subconscious that are grounded, stable, and powerful. So I know that if I need to go into a vulnerable part of myself, I can do that and be safe. And tomorrow when I need to do another task, I can activate the part of me that needs to show up in fullness for that. And it’s all ok. Everything, whatever you do it, is ok. 

Goals VS Spirit Led Desires 

Most people when it comes to creating the life they want. (And most 3D people for sure) focus on ‘goals’. They decided that when they get this thing, achieve this thing… that THEN they will be happy / have made it / have the accolades of others and be accepted. 

THIS IS NOT HOW CREATION WORKS if you are a Merlin energy. Or even a spiritual 5D person in general. 

(Do you like pastel colored tarot decks / crystals / yoga / and green drinks? Then you might be my definition of a 5D person.) 

As far as the universe works, it gives you what you are a match to. So to say… it gives you what you already ARE. As a person. On an identity level. 

Said another way… it gives what you feel you deserve you can have. (The primary identities and archetypes you are playing out is determining how much you feel you deserve.) When you are BEING the identities that most bring forth your core essence, then you feel excited about doing ‘something’ and you feel you can ‘do’ said something. And you get excited about said ‘something’ and then your intuition downloads into your head how to do said ‘something. That is how creation works when you are embodying your primary soul identities / archetypes. Things are easy and flowing. 

So… the problem with making goals is that in general… is that ‘goals’ are something your ego decides that you want, because if you get ‘that’ then you will be safe / loved / saved or whatever. The problem with that is that THE PART of you that is deciding these things is deciding them because they DON’T feel safe or loved etc, and it projects out that achieving this ‘thing’ will give them what they don’t have.  

Do you know what parts in the psyche do that? Those that are fragmented out of the body. (I see this in my energy work) and when an aspect of self is fragmented out of the body (due to some trauma, could be mild or severe) it is obvious because that part of you feels like… ‘they don’t have it’ or ‘can’t get it’ or ‘it’s out of reach’ or ‘they’ll never be able to do that’. The feelings circulating thru the body are things like, depression (that can come and go) feeling like you’re in prison, it’s for others but no YOU, (feeling like you’re a small child and don’t have access to things the ’adults’ do) Or even the feeling of or fear that others will thwart your efforts. Powerlessness or hopelessness. These are all signs parts of you are fragmented out. 

So lets break this down…. Goals are something parts of you that feel separate and are fragmented out of the body (aka your ego) projects outside of itself…. that ‘blank’ will make you feel loved / safe etc.

And Soul Desires… are something that is coming from the core essence of you. And you already feel loved / safe etc, BECAUSE YOU’RE IN THE BODY. 

And since you attract what you are… if you have a bunch of aspects of self that are fragmented out of the body then you will be coming from this place energetically of ‘I don’t have that’ which since we live in an attraction based universe it will create ‘I don’t have that’. But if you are coming for your soul led identities / being-ness and you’re integrated and you feel you desire something, you will feel like you already have it, even thought I haven’t appeared physically in your reality yet. And then you will get that, because in an attraction based universe you get what you already are.  

And the last thing I wasn’t to add here is that… The problem with setting goals when you are a 5D spiritual person, is that THEY DON’T WORK, especially if you are a 5D person. I mean sometimes goals work for people. These people are playing life on a 3D level of course, and then when they do in fact achieve said goal they feel empty and sad because REALLY what they were seeking wasn’t the house / the car / the success, it was an aspect of themselves. (Remember the source of the outside desire was from an aspect of self fragmented out of the body.) They were actually looking for themselves. 


Where are you looking for yourself? But looking for it in all the wrong places. Because it’s not in the business success, or the car, or the hot boyfriend, it’s inside of you. You’re never going to find it in the OUT THERE. Because it’s inside of you. And when you integrate the aspects of self back into the body, you no longer feel like you ‘nnnneeeedddddd’ blank in order to be safe/ loved / worthy / saved or whatever. 

This post was brought to you by my subconscious this morning. I woke up with the words in my head and had to leap out of bed to write it! You’re welcome! 

I knew I need another rock.. to let go the the ex-boyfriend

It’s always important to ask yourself… “What is this moment for? What is the soul aligned thing to do right now?” 🙏 Now, normally I get up and just want to write. Words are pouring thru me so fast I can hardly get them down!! But today however I woke up with a purpose! 


>>>>>I knew I need another rock.. to let go the the ex-boyfriend.<<<<<


Because you know, I had ALREADY let go of the ex, and buried a rock and so forth… and somehow he snuck back in! 🤯 (READ: I LET HIM) I had a weak moment. But this morning I remade my decision that he does not pass par and therefore is OUT. 👑 I am encoding in The Queen in my subconscious and my inner queen wouldn’t tolerate his subpar behavior for a second so therefore I am reaffirming my decision. This evening I will let him know, and will delete his contact again. And that will be that. 


What’s nice is that now that I am daily feeling inside of me what my Inner Queen would do and feeling and acting from there… I know I won’t let him back in again. There will literally be NONE OF THAT! Because I am encoding a new resonance on a deep cellular level and he doesn’t fit into that. 🧙‍♂️👑


So I fetched 3 littler river rocks that are down the street from my house. One rock represents him, the other represents our relationship, and the third rock represents any addiction cords (karmic or otherwise) we have left. It was clearly shown to me when I woke up that there is some sort of addiction dynamic going on here. So I am going to obviously do the energy work around that. And then I will take the rocks to the park this evening after cutting him loose again.✂️


I realize now that when I did my cord cutting and rock burying ceremony months ago regarding this relationship:

👉 I had buried a rock that represented ‘the relationship’ 

👉 A rock that represented ‘forgiveness for everything’ (forgiveness towards him, myself, the relationship… all of it) 

👉 And a rock that represented the ‘role’ he was playing in my life. 


Notice I didn’t bury a rock that represented ‘HIM’. At the time I was neutral to him being in my life or not, because you know I had (and still have) no hard feelings towards him. I just wanted to let go of the ‘role’ he was playing in my life of lover / boyfriend etc because I wanted another man to come into my life and I wanted to be fully open to that. I decided my ‘ex’ wasn’t allowed to energetically or physically fulfill that ‘spot’ of boyfriend in my life anymore. I hope this makes sense. Because you can physically NOT be with someone, but your subconscious can still register that person as being your partner so to speak, and then you won’t attract a new partner because you’re not available for one. 


So long story short. I was ok before with him still being in my life as a friend (READ: role of a friend) but not a boyfriend. And now I have changed my mind. He doesn’t get to be here at all. There is no reason for it. So NOW, I have a rock for ‘him’ specifically. And as I’m writing this, I feel like I need another rock. I need a ‘karmic lessons closed’ rock. This feels to me like… anything unresolved between us get to be DONE. Anything that I was learning or integrating, or aspects of self that still need to be integrated now get to be integrated. 


Because every relationship you have you are creating on some level. Even if the aspects of self are buried in your subconscious they are still there and they have preferences too. I know for sure that there were parts of me that wanted to feel safe. He made me feel safe. So those parts of me were attached to him. So consciously I can see how even when the relationship was over, I was still attached. Because I had aspects of self that were fragmented out of the body that associated him with safety. But when I integrated those parts, then I no longer was looking to him for safety. Because I felt safe innately. I didn’t need it from anyone or anything outside of me. And I can feel there may be a few lingering energy things that need to be sorted. But I can do that in an hour it’s no big deal.


But first, I am going to call him to say goodbye again. Delete his contact again. And do my ceremony with the rocks. Then it will be done. Once it’s done I’ll do the energy session. There is no wrong way for me to do this. I could do it in any order I like, it really doesn’t matter. But I feel like doing the ceremony and then doing the energy work second is how I want to do it this time.


To me doing the ceremony is me COMMANDING that this is done. So the energy work I do will just be me doing whatever is left to be resolved, because it is already done. There will be no more ‘one more layer’ because I have already commanded it be done. And so it will have to be thus. This feels like such a nice chapter close. I hope I haven’t rambled on too much! And I hoped this helped you all. 


Part of being in your power is when you see things that need to be sorted, you SORT them. You don’t let them linger. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a ceremony to do! 🧚🌿

You are the one deciding

Deciding that you are the person is an internal thing. Deciding that you are on the other side of where you were, that you are no longer that person that you used to be and you are now an upgraded version of self is an internal choice. An internal shift. And it can happen in an instant. And then nothing is ever the same. The universe is only waiting for your direction and can only respond to you. All will happen / unfold when you decide that it is time. And it is time because you say that it is so. Not because something outside of you happens.


The best way to start a business is to be in the energy of… “I already have a business”. And then act form there. The easiest way to attract a soul mate romantic relationship is to be in the energy of… “I already have the man (or woman) of my dreams now”. And feel those feelings. And then act from there. 


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