Stop making shit harder than it has to be.
Go directly to the result.
There is no I have to do A, and B in order to get C.
It is all just the way you say it is. Everything is like that.
As you speak, feel, and vibrate.. so it shall be.
When you truly and fully decide that you will have the thing you will move energetic mountains and then the thing will appear. When you remember that there is no ‘do stuff to get stuff’ paradigm, then you not only move out of I have to do A to bet get B. But you will ALSO stop thinking in terms of I can’t do A because of B. IT’S THE SAME PATTERN.
Let’s just call saying “I can’t do ________ because of _______” what it is. A habitual way of being and interacting with reality that doesn’t serve you. And just because everyone around you wants to act in this 2D way does not mean that you need to subscribe to their limited belief structures / ways of doing things.
Just go to the end now. Just go to done.

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