I feel like the life I live now is just really really easy. It’s easy because of who I am. I don’t have to ‘do’ anything. The person I have become over these last few years… but especially the last few months is one of completely and utter transformation. I had a complete break down in my mind/energy field a few years ago and I stopped and I DECIDED that no more would I have all these freaking problems, and no more would I have all this shit go on in my life that was just a MESS. I was over it. Like completely world encompassing especially OVER IT. And I decided… no I COMMANDED to the universe that all this ridiculousness just stop.


I look back, and I didn’t even realize that that was my turning point. That was where things started to spiral up. Where my downward spiral of things getting worse and worse and harder and harder just stopped and they started to spiral up a little more, and a little more, and a little more. So I want you to know, that you can energetically stop the ridiculousness and difficult circumstances in any area of your life… but you do have to decide, and you do have to put your foot down, and you do have to make an arch-level sort of decision for your life that things are just going to start working for you.

That your sick of the difficulty and your are only available for things to get better and better, and you are from now on going to focus on things spiraling up and getting better, and circumstances and events lining up to create the most epic and joyful circumstances for you.

>>And it is going to happen because you decide for it happen.

>> And it is going to happen for you because you’re no longer interested in having problems, and you have commanded that “Yes! I am more interested in being successful than in having problems”.

So if you haven’t come to this “Come to Jesus/Odin moment”… know that you can do so at anytime. In fact NOW is a good time. DECIDE that things work for you NOW. And things get better and better for you NOW. And it is because of YOU. Not any other seemingly outside circumstance/event etc. It is BECAUSE OF YOU. And it always has been.

It is done.

XOXO Arwen

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