I tuned into my essence today and I realized that it really really want is to feel held.


Really really unconditionally held.


And that can only come from begin one with the creative forces in the universe.


It’s a god sort of feeling. That is the feeling that I choose to cultivate all the time.


>>I am the essence of the divine.

>>God Creator Source Energy is flowing thru me.

>>And I am held and I am nurtured. And I am unconditionally held.

>>I have everything I need. I am grounded. I am in Creators hands.


It feels like that connection to Odin, that connection to alllllll the magic. That connection to all the source of creation. To the source of all that is. That being of oneness with all the magic, all the love, all the quantum particles swimming in the universe that are making up of reality… of magic… and potential…


And when I sink into myself its all there… all the feelings… all the sparkles… all the energy of creation.
I am held by Creator.
I am held by my creativity.
I am held by my passion and my desires.
I am held by my life.
My passion carries me.
My passion nourishes me.
My creativity nourishes me.
My creativity provides for me more and more and more.
My message for you toady is to sink into your magic.

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