When your new offer shows up as a Black Panther.

When your new offer shows up as a Black Panther.

When your new program shows up for you as a black panther and starts speaking to you… 


ME: Why did you show yourself to me as a ‘black’ panther? 


BLACK PANTHER: I move in the darkness. I am one with the darkness. And I am going to take your clients into the jungle and thru the woods to reclaim themselves. To reclaim lost parts of themselves. To bring back those parts of them that they have long forgotten. And I am going to bring them to them and bring them back to wholeness. You are just going to facilitate. 


ME: Why are you presenting yourself in this animal shape? 


BLACK PANTHER: Because I am able to move thru the dimensions silently and track anything. I am able to find the source of the issue. I am able to find the things that can’t be found. I am able to move stealthily and swiftly to the core what needs to be energetically resolved. For what can be found is healed instantly. It’s about presence. And being present. Call your program what you want, but I will do the healing. 


ME: Well then, it think ill call it Jaguar. 

Creating Offers Shamanically

Creating Offers Shamanically

My day so far… 

Wake up, notice energetic black panther is in my room, reminds me today is the day to talk to him. (He initially showed up yesterday when I was reading Sigourney Weldon’s book Levianthan)

Have latte, think about abundance altar. 

Read Dane Tomas’s post over latte. Re-remember energetic black panther. 

Ask what this moment alone is for, receive inspiration to create Quantum💰Money💰Altar. 

I create the altar, choose the crystal, allow the ceremony to perform to come thru. 

I do said ceremony. Energetic black panther is still staring at me. Check. 

Finish activating altar, crystal, and calling in a divine relationship with Quantum 💰 & Abundance. 

Make lunch. Write this post. 

Talking to a client shortly.

Then I’m SURE the energetic panther is going to pounce on me! 

I’m quite sure he is my new offer. 

I’m sure ill let ya’ll know later.😂🤣

And what I do know, is that if your not creating offers shamanically, your missing out!


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