When I work up today I noticed all this anger in my body and all I wanted to do was journal it out. And I found myself journaling all about everything that I regretted. All the things I was annoyed that I hadn’t ‘put first’ but really I should have put first. And I realized that what I had been denying was that I do know what to do and did back then, (5 years ago) but I didn’t listen to my intuition and just do what I KNEW inside that I should have done. And I reflected on my choices and it was just so clear to me that I made all the decisions that I did because I was trying to compensate for all my emotional turmoil. If I had just been emotionally clear I wouldn’t have chosen what I did and would have undoubtedly done something different. I was in such struggle.
And because I felt such struggle and strife on a daily basis, I was a mess and my actions reflected it. Its so odd to me now to think back for how long I stayed in that. Because now I feel so clear. And it’s just so easy to take the actions that I need to. I’m not saying I still don’t have things to work on. But now I know how to clear my sub shit. If there is anything I wish I had done I wish I had gone more deep into energy work 10 years ago. I got started, then left it, then came back to it. And I wish I had followed more of my intuition regarding certain things. I don’t know why I just felt like sharing this. I feel like I’m going to make some 2020 New Year Journaling prompts out of this or something. Journaling on the… “what do you want next year?” Type of prompts never have really helped me achieve my goals. But my journaling today hit home. And I feel like what you regret is really the secret to how to move forward. Because you regret 100% of what your soul tells you to do.

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