Two of Pentacles Tarot Meaning Upright and Reversed
Two of Pentacles Upright Tarot Card Meaning
The Two of Pentacles talks about having to balance lots of things. So you might need to balance your work life and personal life better, or you have to many things going on at work / in your business and it is stressing you out and you need to bring some balance into the situation to come back to an equilibrium. You might be being pulled in lots of different directions financially and have too many expenses going out, too many things to keep track of or pay for etc. Or you’ve received an unexpected bill and now your not sure how to pay for it. Additionally you might have too much responsibility and too many things you have been responsible to pay for. Stress is the key operative word here.
Two of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Card Meaning
The two of pentacles revered could mean that you have ‘dropped the ball’ so to speak. You have just plain forgotten a financial commitment or are refusing to take anymore financial stress. Two of Pentacles reversed can also mean you’ve decided you’re not going to keep up the hectic pace needed to pay for all your prior commitments and need to restructure your current debt load. If you’re thinking of taking on a new big expenditure, and you get the Ace of Pentacles reversed, I would seriously reevaluate whether taking on this new expense is a good idea. You should look at your financial situation with clear eyes and ask lots of questions.