Four of Pentacles Tarot Meaning Upright and Reversed
Four of Pentacles Upright Tarot Card Meaning
The four of pentacles talks of holding onto money too tightly. The figure on the card is traditionally depicted holding a pentacles with his hands and having two pentacles under his feet. This can indicate greed, or being possessive over money. Being stingy. Not wanting to spend. Or being overly focused in a negative way on saving money to a degree that that is not healthy or at least causes an imbalance in other areas of life. It can indicate extreme fear of spending money or allowing money to leave your life in some way. This person is very protective of their money, investments, and checkbook. This person might the type who was defines their wroth by the amount of money they have so they are very focused on how they appear to others making sure they appear wealthy, and to have more than other people. They might be a work-aholic and so focused on money and material wealth that they don’t take care of their health for instance even though that area of their life is clearly in need of attention. The four of pentacles character is controlled by possessions. Maybe their a hoarder and need to let go of some things but you can’t seem to persuade them too. They are obsessed with their investments and checking them every day etc. So this card talks about using your focus and your power in a negative way regrading money, finances and possessions.
Four of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Card Meaning
The four of pentacle reversed is the opposite of the tarot card upright. Reversed this character doesn’t value money at all. They are a spendthrift. They have no idea where their money is going and they don’t want to look at it. Where as the character in the upright four of pentacles is constantly focused on tracking and looking at their money, the character on the four of pentacles reversed just won’t look at their financial situation. This is the person who says or even tells others they need to get their money situation together, but they don’t actually do it. It’s almost like they have this subconscious aversion to actually looking at and taking stock of their financial situation. This persons doesn’t save for a rainy day. They don’t track their income. They don’t even know maybe even what they make. Their financial affairs are in disarray. They might spend in excess on frivolous things. They might even be so bold as to spend other peoples money that they shouldn’t spend.