I don’t talk too much on here about my daily feeling state or what is going on with me personally, but one thing I wanted to do was start to share more personal things with yall. So these past few days I have had my nose out of joint…. I love creating courses! It is one of my favorite thing to do! But if you go to my website, you won’t see any… why?


Because they’re all hidden in the back-end of my website. They’re all setup on WordPress and even hooked up correctly with the membership software, but you can’t see them cause I haven’t made those pages live. And they’re not live because that requires me to go thru them one more time and make sure everything is in order and correct before I make it all visible and ready to purchase etc.


And truth be told. I don’t feel like doing that. I don’t feel like doing the tech anymore in my business. That is why you don’t see me post that much. I love writing things to post… but everything I write has to be spell checked. My spelling and grammatical skills are severely lacking. And I love the creation part, but I don’t like the tech/spell check part. And so the stuff that I have created just sits and collects internet dust.


And it’s my fault for letting this go on so long. I know how to create stuff and do so all the time… but maybe I wasn’t really ready to create the solution for this problem… which when I tuned into myself… is choosing to go to a higher level as well as choosing to have an assistant. I have been thinking about the assistant and I have been writing down how things would be with one…


But I haven’t given myself the permission to create one until now. I haven’t given myself permission to create the additional income to pay one until now. And I haven’t given myself permission to do what I do best and not do the things that I am mediocre at and really should not be doing anyways!


At first when I approached changing this pattern in my reality… it looked like a money issue. “Well if I just have more money then I could hire the assistant and move faster. Then I could just do the creation and not the spell check / tech stuff and I could just have more fun and be supported”


But really, it was a mindset issue. And a decision issue. And a ‘turning around my energy issue. NOT a money issue. And the more you practice consciously creating your reality and directing your energy and focus the more you’ll find this. Because I can call in the money and do so all the time for things I have decided.


So now I have decided I am going to create the kind of environment that I need to do things easier and faster. To do it at a next level version of what I am already doing. And I am going to call in the money and call in the assistant and make space and create the thing. Because I love creating online courses and teaching things and so forth, and all my programs collecting internet dust are not helping anyone! And are dragging down my energy! So no more of that!


So “What are you ‘thinking’ is a money issue but really isn’t?” “What are you blaming money for as the reason you don’t have the thing/ can’t create the thing etc,… so you don’t have to take responsibility for an aspect of your reality?”


After you answer that, then ask yourself… “What do you know is ACTUALLY true about this in ultimate reality?”


And then answer for yourself… “So what is it the actual issue here? And given that understanding, what do you actually need to be focusing on instead?”


Go journal and let things be easier. Let yourself receive the answer, and let yourself feel more aligned. Everything is ‘figure-out-able” if you give yourself the space to just sit with it for 10 to 20 min and let yourself receive. Get off Instagram and go do that now!!




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