4 Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning Upright & Reversed

The Four of Pentacles Upright

The four of pentacles talks of holding onto money too tightly. The figure on the card is traditionally depicted holding a pentacles with his hands and having two pentacles under his feet. This can indicate greed, or being possessive over money. Being stingy. Not wanting to spend. Or being overly focused in a negative way on saving money to a degree that that is not healthy or at least causes an imbalance in other areas of life. It can indicate extreme fear of spending money or allowing money to leave your life in some way. This person is very protective of their money, investments, and checkbook. This person might the type who was defines their wroth by the amount of money they have so they are very focused on how they appear to others making sure they appear wealthy, and to have more than other people. They might be a work-aholic and so focused on money and material wealth that they don’t take care of their health for instance even though that area of their life is clearly in need of attention. The four of pentacles character is controlled by possessions. Maybe their a hoarder and need to let go of some things but you can’t seem to persuade them too. They are obsessed with their investments and checking them every day etc. So this card talks about using your focus and your power in a negative way regrading money, finances and possessions.

The Four of Reversed

The four of pentacle reversed is the opposite of the tarot card upright. Reversed this character doesn’t value money at all. They are a spendthrift. They have no idea where their money is going and they don’t want to look at it. Where as the character in the upright four of pentacles is constantly focused on tracking and looking at their money, the character on the four of pentacles reversed just won’t look at their financial situation. This is the person who says or even tells others they need to get their money situation together, but they don’t actually do it. It’s almost like they have this subconscious aversion to actually looking at and taking stock of their financial situation. This persons doesn’t save for a rainy day. They don’t track their income. They don’t even know maybe even what they make. Their financial affairs are in disarray. They might spend in excess on frivolous things. They might even be so bold as to spend other peoples money that they shouldn’t spend.

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3 Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning Upright & Reversed

Three of Pentacles Upright Meaning

Three of pentacles talks of the initial completion of a goal or plan. The plan has been mapped out and is under way in some capacity. It is about bringing your vision into from and making it real. The three of pentacles traditionally has the artisan and a person holding the blueprints to build the cathedral. Just as the artisan has the skills to build the cathedral so do you. You have what you need to create and build your vision. This card speaks of having at least a rough plan in place, as every greater cathedral (building something great) requires some sort of blueprint. I see the blueprint as the 3d stuff you need to know, and the artist follows the inner blueprint of his intuition from inside of himself. So blending your intuitive knowing with outside knowledge is a winning combination. The three of Pentacles also talks about showing up every single day and working on your cathedral. It talks about persistence and commitment to the goal. The cathedral isn’t going to get built if you show up once a week for 4 hours. So this goal will take dedication. It may also take team work and help from others. Sometimes this card shows multiple people bundling the cathedral and ruminating on the plans and artwork. And just like a cathedral this project could be large one taking many months or even years. But it will be worth it, because it will be a great work of art in the end.

Three of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

The three of pentacles reversed could mean people who are working on a project together being in competition or having different visions. It could mean that you aren’t being seen or head in a collaboration because everyone else is talking over you or dismissing what you have to say. It could also mean you want to build something great like the cathedral, but you are missing the pieces to do so. You don’t have the help, or the blueprint, or the artistic ability to get it done.

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2 Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning Upright & Reversed

Two of Pentacles Meaning Upright

The Two of Pentacles talks about having to balance lots of things. So you might need to balance your work life and personal life better, or you have to many things going on at work / in your business and it is stressing you out and you need to bring some balance into the situation to come back to an equilibrium. You might be being pulled in lots of different directions financially and have too many expenses going out, too many things to keep track of or pay for etc. Or you’ve received an unexpected bill and now your not sure how to pay for it. Additionally you might have too much responsibility and too many things you have been responsible to pay for. Stress is the key operative word here.

Two of Pentacles Meaning Reversed

The two of pentacles revered could mean that you have ‘dropped the ball’ so to speak. You have just plain forgotten a financial commitment or are refusing to take anymore financial stress. Two of Pentacles reversed can also mean you’ve decided you’re not going to keep up the hectic pace needed to pay for all your prior commitments and need to restructure your current debt load. If you’re thinking of taking on a new big expenditure, and you get the Ace of Pentacles reversed, I would seriously reevaluate whether taking on this new expense is a good idea. You should look at your financial situation with clear eyes and ask lots of questions.

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Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning Upright & Reversed

Ace of Pentacles Upright Meaning

The energy of the Pentacles in Tarot is all about money, prosperity, the material world, financial things like saving, investing, and budgeting, jobs, business and money making ventures, etc.

The energy of the Ace of Pentacles is about new streams of money. Starting to believe you might create money on the material level, or opportunities presenting itself for you to bring in a new stream of revenue. It could mean a new job, or salary increase, bonus or just more money coming in general

Ace of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

In the Ace of Pentacles Reversed it could mean, money flow could fall thru, or you might over extend yourself and there wont be enough money, financial things not working out as you’d hoped, or it might mean having to realign your plans and ideas to create financial prosperity.

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